Visit China Sea joint business network, the use of most of the browser can, but to log on the system, the need to support the browser in order to Cookie, if your browser does not support Cookie, or you turn off the feature Cookie, you open each one Page, the system that you are a new browser, so you will not be able to enter the members area.

China Sea joint business network is a platform for the exchange of business, you have only one account registered as a user mark, according to the marking system to identify your information, then sent to the browser, in order to effectively carry out the exchange.

China Sea in the joint operation of the majority of business networks will be integral members, such as: sign-on system, the Forum published the article, members exchange, or view the members page and view the information, visitors to view the page you recommended members to promote the Stations and so on. On the site make a positive contribution to the awards, as appropriate, will also be integral members. Integral to see the rules
